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DAMASKUS (dpa-AFX) – Der bisheerde Regierungschef in der Restellenhochburg Idlib übernimmt eigenen Angaben zufolge die Führung der Übergangsregierung in Syria. Planted since this month 2025 in Amt bleibe, Mohammed al-Baschir could a.
Arab media reported at Montag that Al-Baschir was organizing a new Syrian government after a meeting in the main city of Damascus with the Bildung.
In Damascus there is now one of the most important meeting states, one of the Anführer of the Islamist Group Haiat Tahrir al-Scham (HTS), Ahmed al-Scharaa, who has established a champion name Abu Mohammed al-Dschulani, so that the minister has joined the two regimes .
Both messages contain a reibungslose statement from the verwaltungsgeschäfte and.
In an interview with the Katarische nachrichten channel Al-Dschasira, Al-Baschir said, in the first phase of the first phase there was a report for the country. This phase is only possible in the Monate.
Al-Baschir came from the Northwestern Governorate of Idlib, from the Rebel High Castle, from the Islamist Group HTS with its offensive hatte, the zum Sturz von Machthaber Baschar al-Assad führte. Posts about the study of Al-Baschir Elektronikengineeringwesen and Islamic Law. There is Anfang 40.